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Enduring Change

Updated: May 31, 2021

by Elise Nicole

So what changed for you?

Graduated college, high school, moving to a new state or city, or simply your changed your hair color(just to give a simple example lol). There is change all around us and we don't have to see it as bad we can see it as something good. So how do we endure change?

Get ready to SET and GO

What I mean by this statement is when your facing a new change, are you ready to "set"/ prepare yourself to adjust to this change and are you ready to "go" into /endure this new change. So, lets start with the set portion. A common thing you set up before every year to prepare yourself for change for the better are goals. Setting goals for yourself before the change(ex: graduating from college), in a way can ease the fear of not knowing what to do next after your graduate. Now, I would hope after you have set those goals you would feel GO, right?!? Well, yes and no lol. There is a scenario where you have all of your goals set but you still don't feel ready to go. I have some great news. That is completely okay. You know why? Even when your are set, you can go when you don't feel like your ready but it all depends on how you react. You can come to this change with your set ideas and realize your still afraid of it but you try to see this change as something good for you and you still endure it.

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